Channel: Sellaholics
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Block referral spam in Analytics

Referral spam in you Google Analytics? Here is the list of culprits from just one site before the cleansing process: site4.free-share-buttons.com free-share-buttons.com theguardlan.com...

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“Near me” mobile search strategy

Good article on the Google insights blog regarding the changing context and modifiers people are using to search with mobile devices. Mobile devices have taken on new uses in our lives and have become...

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Ecommerce Sunday Brothers International Food

The funny thing about online marketing is that if you do it right the target audience will find you and they will think it was their idea. So it is like 93 degrees here and I stumbled across Brothers...

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PPC ads for someone else?

Why run ads that point to someone else’s website?  “When you do something right people won’t know you did anything at all.” I have always preached that the best plan in advertising online is to not...

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Custom Audience Ads Hold Huge Potential

Do you have a list of customers, a list of newsletter recipients or list of people who may have been customers in the past? You are likely missing out on a huge marketing opportunity. If you don’t use...

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Google Customer Match To Allow Email Import

Google announces customer match and if you know online marketing then you know this is a game changer. We have all heard “next big thing” talk about every little marketing product before, but this a...

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Landing pages drive the entire math formula

The paid ad placements you see are the freest of markets. If your competition has a better mousetrap you will lose in the long wrong. Landing pages are a numbers game and one of the most important...

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15 Facts That Will Improve Your Twitter Game

I sure do hate link bait posts like “top 5 ways you to get the job!” or “7 gifts every girl will love every time!”. This type of social media bait to bring people through to a website are the scourge...

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The Facebook 20% Rule Workaround

If you have been involved in any sort of paid social media campaign building then you know about the pesky Instagram and Facebook 20% rule. Facebook will reject any ads that use over 20% of the image...

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PokeMon Go Enables Their Users

Pokémon Go takes the modern path to success. They enabled their users. What is it that has led it to become the most downloaded game in the app store with over 5% of worldwide users on android...

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